Turquoise Trail to Madrid, Then Cerrillos

We were told that the eastern slop of Sandia Mountain was 'heavy with wildflowers'.  We were on the news!  Not quite as we hoped for but our backup plan was lunch in Madrid with a short hop to Cerrillos.  Can't go wrong with a plan like that.  We were joined this time by Sally, an aspiring photographer with a good eye and a huge interest in learning more about photography.  I feel badly because I encouraged her to shoot in manual mode and we spent some time on when different shooting modes might be a preferred way of shooting.  But, I missed seeing that her ISO was very high for the camera she was using.  So, forgive the grain and appreciate her composition.

Clouds hung low on the Sandia's backside.  

Sally knows her way around!  "There is a great bakery on the way . . . . !

Fall is in the air.

Spotted by Sally.  

Again, spotted by Sally.  There were so many of them.  We had a photo feast!  Tom took all of his with his fisheye!

Tom and I tried to think of one word to describe Madrid.  It is much smaller than Jerome and 'grittier'.  The town's water is contaminated with coal so all the water must be brought in.  Madrid has some nice places to eat, some interesting art and probably some really great stories if you hung around the coffee shops long enough to get to know the few locals who still live in old homes.  Like Jerome, it has lots of tourists, little parking and hordes of motorcycles. There are flowers in Madrid, so we felt better.

A fisheye view of an old flat sign!

I took this one.

Then Tom takes this one.  Little fishy to me!

Oh Barbara, you would love these window displays.  Real class and interest.

Detail from a metal wind catcher for a Tibetan gong

All the artsy stuff aside, there is one house that I keep returning to each time I go to Madrid.  The house looks, well . . . rundown.  But, there is at least one person living there.  The roof is new.  It is difficult to photograph due to the huge dynamic range.  You have seen it before.  This time I shot a 5 image bracket (security).  When I got home the image that delighted me the most was the most over-exposed of the bracketed set!!  That is the image below.  Then I took another under-exposed image into Silver FX to see what that would look like.  That follows as well.  I had a lot of fun with this playing around.

On to Cerrillos.  Sally and I had a nice long conversation.  Tom took off.

I wish my photo-tripping buddies were here.  We would love to show you the way to some funky art, friendly people and interesting old buildings.  Somehow, the scene changes each time we go.  It will still be interesting when you show up.  Thanks for sharing.


I have been to Cerrillos before with my brother.  It was snowing that day.  We returned, assuring Tom he would love it. The rain stopped but the sky was, well . . . white out! Oh well, it was fun and I think we got some great photos.

Cerrillos is a small community with just a few residents.  In the 1880 it was a thriving community of about 2,500 miners working on deposits of turquoise, gold, lead, silver, copper and zinc.  The town had 21 saloons, 4 hotels, numerous brothels, 2 stables, 2 churches, a general store and a Western Union station.  It was on the newly built railway.  But, as is often the case, the mines gave out and the residents left.  Today it is a photographer's stop, a picturesque reminder of the old west.

I was on a mission to get photos of gates.  The guys, Tom and Steve were more open to shoot whatever they saw that was interesting.  Enjoy Cerrillos . . . just down the road from Madrid along the Turqoise Trail.

But before we look at Cerrillos, consider just the beauty of the ride along a dirt road into town.

At this point I am yelling at Tom to get down off the rock pile.  Did you notice the split in the rocks above?  This site is an active 'watch out for rocks' area.  But, Tom took his time and continued to shoot all the way down!

Cerrillos is a community in transition.  There is a lot of really old junk and abandoned structures.  There are some new homes.  There are a lot of homes that are being 'restored'.

I know.  I did not know either.  It is a reflection of the church in a puddle left from the heavy overnight rain.

There is a museum in town, a petting zoo with chickens and a llama and there is a scenic overview with a rail and saddle in case you want to sit a while.  Yes, I am smiling!

From Cerrillos we made the short trip to Madrid, pronounced by the locals as MADrid!  Lunch at  the Mine Shaft was just what we were after.  Photos from Madrid are up next.

Thanks for sharing our vacation. We hope you are enjoying the posts and get an 'itch' to go take some photos!!!