Halloween Cyclocross

When I first opened up this gift package of images from Cory I started laughing.  I am so happy that she sent them.  She wrote a description for us.  "This was an event in Bend this past weekend, the Halloween Cyclocross Crusade. Cyclocross is a form of bicycle racing and typically takes place in the fall and winter months. The course is short, 1.5 miles on which the riders will do several laps, and features pavement, wooded trails, steep hills, and grass with obstacles that the riders will have to quickly dismount and carry their bikes over, around, and through! Mud, lots of it, is also part of the race, which makes for some epic crashes! The racers will ride on two days, each time the course is altered so it’s a bit of a surprise. The first day is more serious while the second is still competitive but the riders wear their Halloween costumes and the onlookers will often offer the riders goodies such as cookies, marshmallows and beer! The music is rockin’ and it’s a wild, fun time!"

This almost qualifies Cory for our Butt Shot club!

I love the look on the bystanders' faces.

I hope by now you are laughing with me.  Love the hat on helmet.

Hmmmm . . . this does not look like it is going to turn out well.

And he is still smiling.

So, to my cycle friends, Rick, Ann and Greg . . . are you in for next year?  I will join Cory with my camera in hand.  Bet this is a fund-raiser of some sort and it needs our support.  Thanks to Cory for sharing.  I hope you did not get much mud on your gear!